GL Accounts: What Are They and How Do They Work in Double-Entry Accounting

what is a gl account

GL account types are used for tracking and categorizing different types of financial data within a company’s general ledger. These types can include income, expenses, assets, liabilities, equity, and revenues. Each type serves a specific purpose in providing detailed information about the financial health of a business. The totals calculated in the general ledger are then entered into other key financial reports, notably the balance sheet — sometimes called the statement of financial position.

  1. The purpose of a general ledger account is to keep track of all the business’s assets, expenses, liabilities, and revenues.
  2. The cost of sales is subtracted from that sum to yield the gross profit for that reporting period.
  3. In order to simplify the audit of accounting records or the analysis of records by internal stakeholders, subsidiary ledgers can be created.
  4. In contrast, the accounts that feed into the balance sheet are permanent accounts used to track the ongoing financial health of the business.

The balance sheet records assets and liabilities, as well as the income statement, which shows revenues and expenses. The income statement might include totals from general ledger accounts for cash, inventory and accounts receivable, which is money owed to the business. They are sometimes broken down into departments such as sales and service, and related expenses. The expense side of the income statement might be based on GL accounts for interest expenses and advertising expenses. A general ledger and a subsidiary ledger are two types of financial records that are typically used in business settings. While the general ledger provides an overview of a company’s financial performance over a period of time, the subsidiary ledger is specifically focused on recording transactions related to individual accounts.

What is a general ledger account?

This can be particularly useful for businesses that want to closely monitor their cash flow and stay on top of their financial goals. To maintain the accounting equation’s net-zero difference, one asset account must increase while another decreases by the same amount. The new balance for the cash account, after the net change from the transaction, will then be reflected in the balance category.

Since the cash account is receiving income, then the debit column will show an increase and display a sum for the amount. However, in recent decades they have been automated using enterprise accounting software and in enterprise resource planning applications. These tools integrate core accounting functions with modules for managing related business processes. For example, a CPA might use a T-account — named because of its physical layout in the shape of a T — to track just the debits and credits in a particular general ledger account. While the above accounts appear in every general ledger, other accounts may be used to track special categories, perform useful calculations and summarize groups of accounts. Income statements are considered temporary accounts and are closed at the end of the accounting year.

What Is the Purpose of a Balance Sheet, and How Does It Relate To GL Accounts?

Goods-receipt/invoice-receipt accounts can have either a credit or debit balance. When you assign a code to each type of transaction, searching your ledger becomes much easier. For instance, when doing their own books, many business owners assign revenue sub-ledgers numbers starting at 100 and expense sub-ledgers codes starting at 200. A GL account represents all types of debits and credits that enter a company’s accounting system. When a debit is entered into an account, it represents either a decrease in the amount of money stored in the system (for example, cash being withdrawn from an ATM) or revenue earned by the company. In contrast, the purpose of a nominal ledger account is to identify any changes to specific types of expenses or revenues.

Organizations may instead employ one or more spreadsheets for their ledgers, including the general ledger, or may utilize specialized software to automate ledger entry and handling. The income statement will also account for other expenses, such as selling, general and administrative expenses, depreciation, interest, and income taxes. The difference between these inflows and outflows is the company’s net income for the reporting period. These accounts help organizations keep track of their expenses and revenue-generating activities to ensure that they are financially stable over time.

Their net balances, positive or negative, are added to the equity portion of the balance sheet. As a document, the trial balance exists outside of your general ledger—but it is not a stand-alone financial report. Think of your general ledger as growing the wheat before you make the bread that is your financial statements. It provides bookkeepers with the information they need to generate any reports. That’s because all of your company’s financial reporting—including its balance sheet—are prepared using information in the general ledger. In a manual or non-computerized system, the general ledger may be a large book.

what is a gl account

The general journal consists of the accounting entries for each business transaction that occurred in order by date. By preparing a trial balance, you make sure your accounting is correct before creating financial statements for the accounting period in question. The trial balance tallies all your debits and credits for the accounting period and makes sure they match up.

A separate general ledger account is set aside for each specific type of transaction. Consider the following example where a company receives a $1,000 payment from a client for its services. The accountant would then increase the asset column by $1,000 and subtract $1,000 from accounts receivable.

GL accounts, or general ledgers, are essential to any business’ financial statements. They are used to track various types of transactions and categorize them according to their impact on the bottom line. However, the trial balance does not serve as proof that the other records are free of errors. For example, if journal entries for a debit and its corresponding credit were never recorded, the totals in the trial balance would still match and not suggest an error. During the bookkeeping process, other records outside the general ledger, called journals or daybooks, are used for the daily recording of transactions.

Other types of GL accounts

Therefore, everyone within the company network can access the ledger at any point and make a personal copy of the ledger, making it a self-regulated system. This mitigates the days sales in inventory ratio risks that Centralized General Ledgers have from having one source control the ledger. The image below is a great illustration of how the blockchain distributed ledger works.

The summary amounts are found in the Accounts Receivable control account and the details for each customer’s credit activity will be contained in the Accounts Receivable subsidiary ledger. For this transaction, the credit column will remain unchanged for this account. However, a separate ledger for the company’s accounts receivable will reflect a credit reduction for the same amount, because ABCDEFGH Software no longer has that amount receivable from its client. Broadly, the general ledger contains accounts that correspond to the income statement and balance sheet for which they are destined. A company may opt to store its general ledger using blockchain technology, which can prevent fraudulent accounting transactions and preserve the ledger’s data integrity.

The debit and credit accounts are then totaled to verify that the two are equal. If they aren’t, the accountant looks for errors in the accounts and journals. In the past, the general ledger was literally a ledger—a large book where financial data was recorded by hand. But since bookkeeping by hand takes 1,000 times longer, most business owners and bookkeepers use accounting software to build their general ledgers.

Is a General Ledger Part of the Double-Entry Bookkeeping Method?

As a supplement to the general ledger, your chart of accounts lists the account names and purposes of all your sub-ledgers. When you hire a bookkeeper who understands your industry, they’re able to set up your books using sub-ledgers that make sense for you. Thus, understanding how these transactions post to a GL account is essential for any entrepreneur looking to stay on top of their company’s finances. Here is an example of an accounting system transaction within a general ledger for a fictional account, ABCDEFGH Software. And your bookkeeper can always walk you through your GL if you have questions.

While it provides a snapshot of the financial position of a business at a single point in time, it also helps to inform and guide the decisions made concerning general ledger (GL) accounts. A complete list of all general ledger accounts that a company uses is contained within the chart of accounts, which is a simple listing of account numbers and account descriptions. The chart is usually organized to show all balance sheet accounts, followed by all income statement accounts. Examples of other general ledger accounts that are commonly used are noted below.

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