What Is Aromatherapy? 

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses aromatic plant extracts, called essential oils, to improve mental and emotional health. The oils can be inhaled, added to a massage oil and applied to the skin, or, rarely, taken by mouth (under specific instruction from a trained specialist). Essential oil extracts are highly concentrated, so they must be mixed with a carrier oil for use on the skin. This is why most people choose to work with an experienced aromatherapist who can recommend a specific blend of oils that will be safe, effective and appropriate for their individual needs. 

Each essential oil has unique healing properties and benefits, and combining different oils can create even more powerful effects. This allows the aromatherapist to customize the aromatherapy experience and target specific physical or psychological symptoms. 

Aromatherapy can be used to relieve pain, reduce stress, improve sleep, boost mood, and more. Because aromatherapy is a natural, non-invasive treatment, it is increasingly popular as a way to treat a wide range of medical conditions. However, scientific evidence supporting the use of essential oils in treating certain diseases is limited at best. 

Essential oils are produced by steaming or pressing various parts of a plant to capture the compounds that produce fragrance. It can take up to several pounds of the plant to produce a single bottle of essential oil. In addition to producing scent, essential oils perform other functions in the plant, such as helping it grow and resist disease. This is why it is so important to source your essential oils from a reputable producer. 

When choosing your Putrajaya Spa massage oils, be sure to read the label carefully. Look for the Latin name of the plant, information on purity or other ingredients added to it, and the country in which it was grown. Look for dark-colored bottles to protect the integrity of the oil. It is also a good idea to purchase the oils from a company that has been in business for several years. 

While many people can safely use aromatherapy, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under the age of 6, and those with certain health conditions, including epilepsy. It is also a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning any new therapy, especially if you have any serious medical condition. Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA, so they do not need to undergo rigorous testing like drugs before being sold. This can lead to sub-par products entering the market. It is best to only use high-quality, organically produced essential oils that have been tested for safety and efficacy. These products can be found at reputable health food stores and in some regular supermarkets. They may be more expensive than those found in a discount store, but the difference is well worth it in terms of quality and effectiveness.

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